Tuesday, December 3, 2013

One for the Ages

I turned 39 yesterday. As you would imagine, it prompted me to reflect on the age and milestone that is 363.5 days away. At this point, I am not dreading 40 . Granted, that may change as it gets closer and as I continue to feel the elements, both hot and cold, on the back of my head. This sign of my coming of age was also confirmed by Mrs. Michaels, as well as the undesirable angles from AGC’s security camera. Still, I am not here to split hairs over getting older.
As I reflect on the past 39 years, I think about the moments, both positive and negative, that have shaped me into what I have become and how they influence what I do on a daily basis. Let’s face it, we are all riding this roller coaster of life. It is a ride which exposes us to the thrill of reaching the pinnacle and the pain of plummeting back to base camp, both as children and now as adults. In each of my reflections, there was usually an adult figure to help me manage. It was these connections that have allowed me to stay centered and be the best I can be.
It is these relationships which are also at the forefront of what we do each day at Andrew Curtin. As the principal, I am proud of the bonds being formed by our students, staff and parents, especially after being together as a community for only 3 months. A few examples of this are evident in the fact that our stu- dents raised nearly $1,800, in change, in support of the Williamsport Area School District’s Education Foundation’s “Return to Glory Change Challenge”. Our families also changed lives by opening up their pantries and sharing canned goods, in support of our participation in the local “ Feed a Friend” initiative.
Most recently, our community connections were evident with the positive turn out for conferences. Even with very little cooperation from Mother Nature, a majority of our parents took the time to join us or made alternate plans to discuss their child’s progress. A superb effort was made by all to ensure our stu- dents are in a position to realize his/her personal potential during the remaining three marking periods of this school year and beyond.
So, here is my challenge to you. As you head into the holiday hustle (rumor has it we are already neck- deep in it), take time to capture the tiny moments. Those that may seem a bit mundane or just part of your daily grind but in reality should be considered magical since they involve the greatest gift of all, your child. Remember, you never know what moments they will hold onto for their memories.
Looking forward to being 39, again...and again and..., 
Mr. Michaels

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