August 5, 2013
Dear Parent/Guardian, Welcome to the Andrew G. Curtin Community. I am sure the anticipation, and perhaps anxiety, is building for the impending school year. With this in mind, I want to take a moment to provide a few “need-to-know” items to help your children and your families relax and enjoy the remainder of the summer.
Before we move to the proverbial nuts and bolts of opening our “new” school, I want to share a bit of insight as to what you can expect from the staff at Curtin Intermediate School; as well as what we expect from your child and from you, our parents.
1. From the Administration: Mr. Rathjen and I will work tirelessly to provide a safe, structured, child-centered environment in which each student will reach his/her full potential.
2. From Our Staff: The staff at Andrew G. Curtin has been assembled from the schools across our district. We will use this vast expertise and experiences to provide engaging educational opportunities for our children. Despite our diverse backgrounds, we will be united in one mission: developing responsible students through excellence in education.
3. From Our Students: It is easy for us to program our students to repeat the four tenets from our Positive School-wide Behavior System (PSBS). However, it is our intention to model, and in turn, have each child embody each expectation. These expectations are to BE safe, BE present, BE respectful and BE responsible.
4. From Our Parents: We ask you to become an active part of our community. As a parent, I understand balancing work and the activities of your children is not always easy, but it is necessary. If you value their education and take an interest in what is going on at AGC, your children will more than likely follow your lead!
It is no secret; our District’s reconfiguration has us sailing into uncharted territories. Still, I am confident that incredible discoveries await us if we set our course for the same destination and row together.
Welcome Aboard!!
David J. Michaels
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