Monday, January 27, 2014

Our Community has Come Calling!

Andrew G. Curtin Intermediate needs its community to step up. The Central PA Food Bank and volunteers from "Kohls Cares" will gather tomorrow for a Glazing Party in continued support of the Soup and Bowl event coming in February. YOU CAN HELP. Join the Glazing Gang at AGC on Monday, January 27th @ 5:30. Location in the building to be determined. Please support this endeavor.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Blame it on the (Freezing) Rain

The challenging weather delays and cancellation of school last week, have created a need to delay the issuing of report cards. Report cards for Grades K-6 will be issued on Tuesday, January 28.

Monday, January 13, 2014

A Philanthropic Philosophy

In efforts to accomplish our mission of developing responsible citizens through excellence in education, we are presenting a few opportunities for our students to support our community. The first is the aforementioned Soup and Bowl party sent for Tuesday evening. The second is a canned food drive sponsored by WASD's support staff association (WAESPA). Starting today, we will be collecting canned goods until February 14th for the St. Anthony's Center. Sojourner Truth Ministries and WECC. Please consider supporting these causes anyway you can. Thank you for helping us be the best.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Hunger is Not a Game

Please join us on Tuesday, January 14th from 7-9pm, in the cafeteria, for a Soup and Bowl party. That night, we have set a goal to produce 100 clay bowls to donate to the Central PA Food Bank’s Soup and a Bowl event scheduled for February. Donations of soup cans to share with our community food bank are encouraged and appreciated. Experience is not necessary, but a positive attitude is certainly part of the game plan!  Click HERE for more information.

The Wizards are Coming, The Wizards are Coming!

The Harlem Wizards are coming to WASD on Feb. 5 to play against our teachers, principals and high school students. Game time is 6:30 p.m., doors open at 5:30.  There will be an interactive halftime show and a chance for autographs at the end of the game.
Tickets can be purchased in advance for $5/student and $8/adults.  At the door tickets are $6/students and $10/adults.  They can be purchased at WAHS, the District Service Center and the Genetti Hotel.  Proceeds benefit the WASD Education Foundation.

WASD is in a 2 hour delay.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Continuing the Countdown

The ball of crystal has officially dropped, and if I can’t keep my eyes off the Fiesta Bowl and my hands out of the Tostitos, I am in danger of dropping the ball on this back-to-school mes- sage. For the sake of time, which seems to be slipping away quicker with each glance at the TV, or Twitter, or Facebook . . ., I will look into AGC’s proverbial crystal ball and countdown (Times Square-style) to capture what is about to erupt here in 2014:
10: AGC will host professional actor Gregory Kenney on Jan. 10. He will bring significant historical figures to life with his talents. Parents are welcome to attend these morning perfor- mances.
9: Our second nine-week marking period comes to a close on Friday, Jan. 17.

8: There are just over eight weeks until our building conquers the PSSA’s. We will be ready.
7: This one is easy. This is the number of days a week your child should carve out at least 20 minutes to read. Read with them, near them, and even for them.
6: Jan. 6 is the first Monday of the month, which by itself means very little. Add seven days to it and you get Jan. 13, the date of our next CSA meeting. There is a lot to discuss as we head into the second semester. Please take 60 minutes out of that evening to come and see how you can support our community.

5: While I hope you can squeeze out more than 5 minutes of attention from your child, please pause each day to discuss what is happening in his/her life.
4: Check out the four ways you can connect with Curtin. Check us out on our website, Face- book page, building blog and on Twitter. We have you covered.

3: There are three sites which your child can use to extend our curriculum beyond our walls. They are Study Island, ConnectED and Gaggle. All sites are linked from our building homep- ages.
2: The Lycoming County Fitness Challenge will begin in just over two weeks. Keep an eye out for more information. Let’s show the entire county how strong our minds and our bodies really are.

1: As always, we ask for your support in achieving our one mission of developing responsible citizens through excellence in education each day.
Happy New Year! Sorry, that is the best I can do at midnight, a day late.
Mr. Michaels

2 Hour Delay for WASD